Re: [stella] Atari 800 and 800 XL power supplies?

Subject: Re: [stella] Atari 800 and 800 XL power supplies?
From: Mark Graybill <saundby@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 09:28:08 -0800
Jat Tilton has that information on his page here:

-Mark G.

On Sunday 29 February 2004 04:14 pm, B. Watson wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, Adam Thornton wrote:
> > As you can probably tell from my recent posts, I have the hardware
> > hacking bug bad again.
> >
> > I have an Atari 800 and an 800XL sitting in my basement.  Neither has a
> > power supply.
> >
> > What's my best bet on the 'Net to find detailed specs for the two of
> > them?  I figure I can do a mod rather like the power mods for the 7800
> > or 5200 detailed in _Hardware Hacking_, provided they don't have any
> > really exotic requirements.
> I don't remember what an 800 uses, but the 800XL supplies are 5V at
> 1 amp (or maybe 1.5 amp, been a long time).
> The pinout is odd... the DIN connector pins alternate, +5V and ground.
> Shouldn't be hard to meter it & tell which are the ground pins.
> The 800 used a completely different supply, but I can't remember what it
> was. May have been the same as the 1050 drive (11.5V AC I think, but don't
> take my word for it)
> Might want to search comp.sys.atari.8bit on google groups.
> --
> B.

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