Re: Aw: time running out WAS: [stella] AARGH....obscure bug, orhardware glitch, help with final hour code review?

Subject: Re: Aw: time running out WAS: [stella] AARGH....obscure bug, orhardware glitch, help with final hour code review?
From: "Erik Mooney" <erik@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2004 11:17:58 -0600
> If you don't feel up to inspecting code but want to help, loading 
> up the ROM (preferably on as close to real hardware as possible,
> then Z26 I guess?) playing some games, and seeing if you ever 
> can't press Select to return to the title screen....Al says he 
> saw it refuse to return at the compleition of a normal vs. Fuji
> no-wall game...

I'm not sure if this helps anything, but I spent a half-hour or so last night trying to reproduce anything related to it on Z26 (don't have a real Atari set up ATM.)  I did discover that if you're holding Reset or the fire button when you press Select, a new game starts immediately (when you release Select).  I don't suppose Al was doing that, though.

Furthermore, which game variation you get when you do that seems somewhat random, probably due to exactly how long you hold Select before releasing.  I don't know if this is related or anything at all, but I'll throw it out here.  I glanced at the code too but couldn't figure out anything.
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