I can't seem to access the dasm homepage. Not sure if I missed a post
on this or if I just wasn't paying attention. Can anyone access the
On 8/12/05, Andrew Davie <atari2600@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> There is a minor upgrade of DASM, just the addition of binaries.
> Amiga OS4 and classic binaries added -- Peter Gordon
> Linux and BeOS DASM binaries -- 'Slor'
> DASM homepage @ http://www.atari2600.org/DASM
> Cheers
> A
> PS: I have been made aware of an error introduced into 2.20.10 -- lda #-1
> and similar will not compile. Use instead lda #<-1. If someone could find
> this bug for me, I'd be delighted. It's to do with the assembler using a
> 16-bit value where only 8 is allowed. I touched it, I broke it. You would
> think a 'diff' on the code would make the problem obvious, but I can't see
> it :(
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