Is it possible to dynamically select portions of an XML page?

Subject: Is it possible to dynamically select portions of an XML page?
From: Ben Robb <Ben@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 May 1999 11:47:54 +0100

I have a large XML page, and I want to show only a small part of it via my
XSL sheet.

I put in something like:

	<xsl:for-each select="BOOKSTORE/BOOK">

		<xsl:if test=".TITLE='book1'">
		<!-- show the book details-->


		<!-- else don;t -->

and it works fine. Now for the slightly tricky bit. I want the "if"
statement to be dynamic. I can pass the ASP page I am displaying the XML in
a querystring. So is there a nice way to pass the querystring to the
stylesheet and have it act on it?

something like (but not, since you can;t use % symbols)

<xsl:if test=".TITLE='<%=Request.QueryString("title")%>'">

Or is there another workaround?

Hope this is clear.


Ben Robb
cScape Strategic Internet Solutions

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