Re: Matching empty tags

Subject: Re: Matching empty tags
From: "Araquel, Ed E." <Araquel.Ed@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 11:15:17 -0500
David Carlisle wrote:

>I tried the stylesheet that you posted with the current version of xt
>and it translated 
><TD> </TD>
>which is what you said you wanted.
>Perhaps you should state which version of which processor you are using,
>since you said that your stylesheet didn't work?

That's interesting...I'm using LotusXSL v0.17.4 perhaps I should inform
Scott Boag about this discrepancy.



Ed Araquel

Mayo Foundation
200 1st St. SW - Siebens 7
Rochester, Minnesota
(507) 538-1023

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