Subject: XSLT: Selecting nodes based on a group of other nodes From: "Mark Sztainbok" <sz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 9 Sep 1999 15:41:04 +1000 |
Is there a way to select nodes out of a document if they have a value which matches a value in another group of nodes? For example, if I have a document which looks like this: <RESPONSE> <PRODUCT> <ID>ABC</ID> <NAME>Brown dog</NAME> </PRODUCT> <PRODUCT> <ID>DEF</ID> <NAME>Black cat</NAME> </PRODUCT> <PRODUCT> <ID>GHI</ID> <NAME>Yellow giraffe</NAME> </PRODUCT> <PRODUCT> <ID>JKL</ID> <NAME>Orange monkey</NAME> </PRODUCT> <SELECTEDPRODUCT>ABC</SELECTEDPRODUCT> <SELECTEDPRODUCT>GHI</SELECTEDPRODUCT> </RESPONSE> I would like to get a node list of the products which have an ID which is in a SELECTEDPRODUCT element i.e. products ABC and GHI (Brown dog and Yellow giraffe) and store it in a variable so I can use it later with for-each I have tried the following XSLT code but it doesn't work as it only gets the first product: <xsl:variable name="IDS" select="/RESPONSE/SELECTEDPRODUCT"/> <xsl:variable name="products" select="/RESPONSE/PRODUCT[ID = $IDS]/> and have also tried this, which also did not work: <xsl:variable name="products"/> <xsl:for-each select="RESPONSE/SELECTEDPRODUCT"> <xsl:variable name="product_id" select="text()"/> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$products"> <xsl:variable name="products" select="$products|/RESPONSE/PRODUCT[ID=$product_id])"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:variable name="products" select="/RESPONSE/PRODUCT[ID=$product_id]"/> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:for-each> What is the correct way to do this? Thanks, Mark
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:2.1 N:Sztainbok;Mark FN:Mark Sztainbok ORG:Sausage Software TITLE:Software Engineer TEL;WORK;VOICE:+61-3-9662 2627 TEL;WORK;FAX:+61-3-9663 4030 ADR;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:;;Level 25,=0D=0A150 Lonsdale Street;Melbourne;VIC;3000;Australia LABEL;WORK;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Level 25,=0D=0A150 Lonsdale Street=0D=0AMelbourne, VIC 3000=0D=0AAustralia X-WAB-GENDER:2 URL: URL: EMAIL;PREF;INTERNET:sz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx REV:19990909T054104Z END:VCARD
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