Re: xsl:fo in web browsers

Subject: Re: xsl:fo in web browsers
From: James Robertson <jamesr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:20:59 +1000
At 03:28 16/09/1999 , Paul Tchistopolskii wrote:

> > > > Also, isn't it handy to have just one stylesheet for different media
> ?
> > >
> > > But generally not a good idea. The way you format something for one
> media is rarely the way it should be formatted for another.
> >
> > Very strong sentence.
> Not really. It is one of the most commonly cited benefits of generic markup.

OK. I agree that there would be some differences between
the stylesheets for different media. To me,  stylesheets which
are having 95-99% percent in common are 'the same', but
maybe you are talking about another percentage?

Well, I didn't post the initial comments, but I'll jump in here.

I've done a fair bit of coding for both the
web and paper, and I can confirm that the formatting
for different media is generally very different.

While a reasonably amount of the overall structure
of the formatting code is "similar", when it comes
down to it, the overlap of stylesheet code between
web and paper is 25-50%, no more.

(This is based on using Omnimark, not XSLT.)

I would never try and use the same code for
different outputs.

(I would also never associate a single
stylesheet directly with an XML file.)

Hope this helps,


------------------------- James Robertson Step Two Designs Pty Ltd SGML, XML & HTML Consultancy jamesr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

"Beyond the Idea"
 ACN 081 019 623

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