RE: Globals in xsl:script

Subject: RE: Globals in xsl:script
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 11:21:05 +0100
> I have a concern about globals in xsl:script.  Any
> thoughts would be appreciated.

Yes, you're right to identify this problem. XSL is side-effect-free (with
the odd exception like xsl:message) unless you invoke extension functions
that have side-effects. The effect of doing this is not defined. Neither xt
nor SAXON, for example, specifies exactly what order things will happen in,
and I am fairly sure that it is different between the two products.

My approach in SAXON has been rather pragmatic: allow side-effects in
extension functions (and extension elements) and let the user worry about
the consequences.

Mike Kay

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