Subject: XSL FO: FOP vs XEP
From: David Tolpin <dvd@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 2 Jun 2000 04:06:44 +0500

a table of XSL FO files formatted by Apache FOP 0.12.2 [dev] (taken from CVS on
May 25, 2000) and RenderX XEP (evaluation version as available on May 31,
2000), compared side by side, has been published at 


This test has been performed by RenderX development team, and the authors of the test have more experience in using XEP than FOP;
moreover, XEP test suite is much longer than FOP's. Another important factor is that we used a development (i.e. officially unreleased) version of
FOP, which may not be a stable distribution. Therefore, test results may underestimate FOP formatting performance, and cannot be considered
as an independent testing of the products. 

We have done our best to demonstrate FOP's capabilities; however, debugging FOP is not our task. We invite people who are more
knoledgeable about FOP to amend these results, sending us patched tests that demonstrate the real performance of FOP. 

David Tolpin

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