RE: copy or xsl:copy-of

Subject: RE: copy or xsl:copy-of
From: Sydney <moisi_fr@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2000 17:24:44 +0200 (CEST)
> Why would you want to
> output that? 


I'm using Cocoon with Apache Server.(
I have 4 XML file, with an XSL I make a search and
output a new XML file, this one is associed to another
XSL file in order to make HTML file.
4XML + XSL = XML + XSL = HTML I hope this is obvious.

The problem is Cocoon because the first step is
well-done but Cocoon didn't create an XML file, the
content of the XML file is only displayed in the
browser, so I can't applied the second XSL file.
I had an idea to put the outputed XML file in a hidden
type form, and retrieve it as a parameter of the
second XSL file.
I know this is not obvious.


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