Re: Recursiveness

Subject: Re: Recursiveness
From: Jeni Tennison <Jeni.Tennison@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 10:42:55 +0100

>How can i only get the text from the current node without the children ?

>  <xsl:template match="overwegingen/vereiste">
>    <fo:wrapper role="VW_TekstInspring3">
>      <xsl:apply-templates/>
>    </fo:wrapper>
>  </xsl:template>

Try changing this template to:

<xsl:template match="overwegingen/vereiste/text()">
  <fo:wrapper role="VW_TexstInspring3">
    <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)" />

This makes sure you only select the text() children of the 'vereiste'
element.  I put the normalize-space() in so that the line breaks weren't used.

As an aside, I also noticed that you had:

  <xsl:value-of expr="." />

elsewhere in your XSL.  This looks like old XSL.  You should update to the
recommendation, and to the latest MSXSL processor if that's what you're using.

I hope that helps,


Dr Jeni Tennison
Epistemics Ltd, Strelley Hall, Nottingham, NG8 6PE
Telephone 0115 9061301 ? Fax 0115 9061304 ? Email

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