Re: XALAN C Impl

Subject: Re: XALAN C Impl
From: "Juergen Hermann" <jhe@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2000 13:12:21 +0100
On Wed, 7 Jun 2000 12:05:04 +0200, Maksim Zhizhkun wrote:

>It looks that it is impossible to create XSLTInputSource (XALAN C++
>implementation) for anything other than file?
>Is it true?

No. The current(!) source allows, among other things, to create a xsl
input source from a std::istream.

BTW, the proper place to ask such questions is the xalan-dev list.

Ciao, Jürgen

Jürgen Hermann (jhe@xxxxxxxxxxx)
WEB.DE AG, Amalienbadstr.41, D-76227 Karlsruhe
Tel.: 0721/94329-0, Fax: 0721/94329-22

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