Re: Keys across multilple input files

Subject: Re: Keys across multilple input files
From: Jeni Tennison <Jeni.Tennison@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 11:07:08 +0100
Ann Marie,

>You are 100% correct - as always:-)

Gosh, nowhere near always!  I'm glad it worked, anyway.  Wish I understood

>Here are some interesting performance statistics using the XALAN processor. 
>Processing time for one big XML document containing all CLASS elements is
>4 times faster than processing each XML Class file separately.

Big difference.  Probably there's a payoff between speed and memory use,

>The best option would be to generate the keys for all CLASS elements in
one big 
>XML file in one XSL process and save them in a way that they could be
>by another XSL process. I haven't figured out how to do this yet.

Hmm.  I'm guessing that your class files are not nicely named - that the
classes reside in files called 0001.xml, 0002.xml, 0003.xml and so on
rather than animal.xml, mammal.xml, canine.xml etc?  If they were called
something related to their name, then it would be fairly easy to create the
name of the document that you wanted, and get at it through that.  If you
were indexing (only) on the name, that is.

The other thing that might be plausible is to have one process generate a
file that looked like:

  <class name="animal" details="0001.xml" />
  <class name="mammal" details="0002.xml" />
  <class name="canine" details="0003.xml" />

You could key on the name of the class within this file, and use that to
find the details of the class in the separate file.  This is so nearly your
filelist.xml file: given that as an input, you could easily generate this
indexing file by opening each document in turn and checking the name of the
class defined within it.  You only need to run that once (each time you
change your filelist.xml) to get your index.

Is that any help at all?



Dr Jeni Tennison
Epistemics Ltd, Strelley Hall, Nottingham, NG8 6PE
Telephone 0115 9061301 ? Fax 0115 9061304 ? Email

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