multiple XML and wildcards

Subject: multiple XML and wildcards
From: Ronald <ronald@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2000 16:01:57 +0200
Some time ago somebody asked about using 1 xsl file on multiple XML files resulting in F.E. 1 HTML page.

Everything I've read so far in this list concerning this subject states a name for the document you want to access.

<xsl:apply-templates select="document('test.xml')//driver/meta"><xsl:sort select="./title"/></xsl:apply-templates>

What if I have a huge collection of XML files.
I certainly do not want to type in all these names in an construction like the above one.
I would like to use some sort of wildcard.
How can this be done?

Ronald Heller
Salience BV
Villawal 21
3432 NX Nieuwegein
tel.: 030 60 56 675
fax: 030 6056 324
mob.: 06 20 41 25 77

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