RE: How is this part of the XSLT specification to be interpreted?

Subject: RE: How is this part of the XSLT specification to be interpreted?
From: Jeni Tennison <Jeni.Tennison@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 17:45:16 +0100

I think you make a very good point about allowing documentation in XSLT
stylesheets, and particularly structured documentation within templates.
It might be that XSLT processors will start providing this as an extension
elements or attributes of some kind, or that it is included in XSLT 2.0
whenever that comes along.  Thinking aloud, a possibility would be to have
the 'result-prefix' attribute of xsl:namespace-alias take a special value
('#ignore') for elements that should not be included in the output.

At the moment, though, you could take advantage of the fact that top-level
elements that are not within the XSLT namespace are ignored.  Given your
example, you can currently legally do:

<xsl:template match="TOC">

This will probably be sufficient for most small templates - it is the
larger ones that require more internal documentation.

I hope that helps,


Dr Jeni Tennison
Epistemics Ltd, Strelley Hall, Nottingham, NG8 6PE
Telephone 0115 9061301 ? Fax 0115 9061304 ? Email

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