Outputing an '&' from XSL

Subject: Outputing an '&' from XSL
From: Warren Hedley <w.hedley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 14:54:12 -0400
Eoin Flood wrote:
> I need to output HTML which contains the following fragment
> but whatever I do I always get a '&amp;' in the output stream

An & indicates that the text between this and the next ; is an
entity. It would be an error to have a & imply anything else.

In any case, having &amp; in your attribute shouldn't be a
problem. AFAIK, all browsers accept this. Your object (a
plug-in ??) should receive the text with the entity resolved,
I believe.

Warren Hedley
Department of Engineering Science
Auckland University
New Zealand

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