Re: XSL stylesheet for packing slip

Subject: Re: XSL stylesheet for packing slip
From: Willy Bryant <WCBorg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 15:57:12 -0700
As David noted, consolidates a number of sources, they are sponsored by OASIS and went live very recently. They're actively soliciting schema submissions, but I haven't found much current content. (Maybe I just wasn't looking in the right place.)

A couple of other places to look for DTDs and XML samples:

Commerce One -- General business xCBL. ZIP files provide 150 DTD files and a dozen or so samples.

RosettaNet -- Electronics industry. Free, but requires registration. A lot of emphasis on business process automation.

Microsoft Biztalk -- Has a schema repository. Free, but requires registration. Last I checked, the posted samples were very rudimentary.

You're probably on your own with the XSL. These groups are focused on element definition and business requirements -- not translation or presentation.

I don't know of any packing slip DTD examples. I doubt the e-business standards bodies would focus on creating them since they are physically attached to goods for transport and loading dock receipt/routing. Not much call for XML there (unless you're using those cool new RFID tags.)

You may be able to take an invoice (header and detail) and trim it down into a decent packing slip example. Of course, it may be just as fast to trot over to your receiving department, ask for a couple of packing slips and build your own.

-- Willy Bryant

At 05:53 PM 6/23/00 -0400, you wrote:

Xiaocun Xu writes:
>I am looking for XML DTD, a sample XML document and XSL stylesheet
>for packing slip to build a proof of concept. Anybody have any
>experience with something like that? If not, where would I able to
>find XSL stylesheet library?

I think the main thing you need is a tag-set (shall we even say
a "schema"?) for shipping documents. You might find something at
that is being proposed as a standard.
.................David Marston

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