RE: XSLT Documentation (Was: RE: How is this part of the XSLT sp ecification to be interpreted?)

Subject: RE: XSLT Documentation (Was: RE: How is this part of the XSLT sp ecification to be interpreted?)
From: "Pawson, David" <DPawson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 10:10:24 +0100
Wendell Piez 

>This is an interesting thread.
>My comments in line. Thanks to Dave for starting to formalize 
>this. Dave,
>does this mean you are collecting a proposed features list? 
>Are there any
>formal requirements stipulated?

Don't know yet Wendell. I like the idea. I'll save all the answers
suggestions, collate and feed back to the list.

Suggest rather than formal requirements, simply state that the 
problem is to document stylesheets. If any proposed solution
addresses that, then I'll keep it and attempt a  synthesis of
the summary.

Others might then like to suggest solutions with the ideas.

Regards, DaveP

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