RE: Scripts with Saxon

Subject: RE: Scripts with Saxon
From: Kay Michael <Michael.Kay@xxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 10:30:57 +0100
> However in practice I'm not sure how Saxon would behave if you used an
> extension function to produce a String that contains the disallowed
> characters. Would it let them exist in the string object in the result
> tree? If so, how would it serialize them, with the text output method?
> Does the spec say anything about it?  Mike Kay? 

Oddly this is a discussion I had with various WG members a few days ago.
Saxon currently doesn't do any validation on the strings returned from
extensions functions, and if they contain characters that are invalid in XML
you can end up with non-well-formed output. The spec says that XPath string
values consist of a sequence of XML-allowed characters.

Mike Kay

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