RE: does position () work with old MS namespace

Subject: RE: does position () work with old MS namespace
From: Andrew Kimball <akimball@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 18:39:43 -0700
Try this:
    <xsl:if test=".[context()!index() $eq$ 1]">

If you want to "reach" further up the context stack, call context() with a
parameter, e.g. context(-1), context(-2), etc.  -1 is the default and
selects the current context query.

Also, all expressions must return a node-set in XQL, which is why I used the
dummy '.' with a predicate.

~Andy Kimball

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Brown [mailto:mike@xxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 11:01 AM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: does position () work with old MS namespace

> > Try using [1] instead of [position()=1] (just guessing)
> Tried <xsl:if test="[1]">

Yeah that's not going to work. I should have clarified that you can only
use [1] when you're selecting nodes to process (as in apply-templates or
for-each), like /path/to/some/nodes[1] will be the node at position 1 from
among the set selected by /path/to/some/nodes.

If the position you want is relative to nodes that have already been
selected (the current node list, in the context)... then position() is
required. Perhaps MSXML has an alternative you can use. I'd check the docs

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