xsl:output help or building svg from xslt

Subject: xsl:output help or building svg from xslt
From: Larry_Mason@xxxxxx
Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2000 21:12:28 -0500
I need some assistance on the syntax for xsl:output to define the mime type
of my resultant document which contains SVG.  If I save the result as a
file with extension svg, the browser processes the document properly, ie
invokes the Adobe plugin.  However, the same document as returned from my
servlet (and not save to disk) simply displays as XML in IE5 not as a
image.  From the w3c site, I believe the mime type is image/svg-xml.  My
guess is to set the media-type in the xsl:ouput tag.  Anyone had success
doing so?  I'm using XT.
Larry Mason

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