text wrapping around callout/note/sidebar

Subject: text wrapping around callout/note/sidebar
From: Robert Koberg <rob@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 18:07:40 -0700
How do you guys handle text wrapping around some kind of "callout" chunk of
text (possibly with image)?

For example:

xx x xxxx x xxxx x  xx
xxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxx
xxxx xx xxxx xx xxxx x
xxx xx xx  <img/>
x xxx xxx  this is what I
xx xxx xx  text to wrap
xx xx x x  around. what
xxxx xxx  do you think?
xxx xxx xxxxxx xxxxx x
xx x xxxx x xxxx x  xx
xxxx xxx xxx xxxx xxx
xxxx xx xxxx xx xxxx x

This is for articles that will conform to docbook's dtd. It seems like a
very standard thing but I can't think of how to stick the callout section
into an article that is variable. Any help/ideas would be greatly
aprreciated.  Does the explanation makes sense? thanks

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