RE: "Breaking Out" of an xsl transformation

Subject: RE: "Breaking Out" of an xsl transformation
From: "Chris Bayes" <Chris@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 20:00:29 +0100
Check out <xsl:message terminate="yes" />

Ciao Chris

XML/XSL Portal

>-----Original Message-----
>From: owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>[mailto:owner-xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of
>Sent: 29 September 2000 16:32
>To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Cc: mmodrall@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>Subject: "Breaking Out" of an xsl transformation
>We are converting an XML document to another type of xml document 
>based.  Based
>on data discovered in the process, we do not what to do any 
>further processing.
>The question how does one do that so no the XSLT processor does not output
>anything.  I've enclosed a snippet that does not do a transform if 
>the "ignore"
>tag exists, but it still produces the "<?xml?>" node.  We figured 
>we could do a
>little walk after the processing is done to see if the tree is 
>*only* a root
>node and drop it if so, but we were hoping for a more meta-"drop the whole
>thing" solution.
>Make sense, Any ideas?
>Thanks  much, Tim
><?xml version="1.0"?>
><xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="";
>                xmlns:lxslt="";
>                version="1.0">
><xsl:template match="basenode">
>  <xsl:if test="not(./head/tag[@action = 'ignore'])">
>    do your processing
>  <xsl:apply-templates/>
>  </xsl:if>
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