RE: conditional inclusions2

Subject: RE: conditional inclusions2
From: Dylan Walsh <Dylan.Walsh@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 2000 18:13:52 -0400 (EST)
> From:	Ronald [SMTP:ronald@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent:	Wednesday, November 01, 2000 1:57 PM
> To:	xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject:	conditional inclusions2
>We may also want to use "conditional xsl" in the future. The approach you 
>give (unconditionally import etc) is probably the technique we have to use 
>as well.
>Too bad you can't "sub-render" conditional xml entities before you insert 
>them in the actuall output tree.
>Or can you?

I don't think you can using XSLT alone, but you could write a framework in
application that uses XSLT to "sub render" the parts as you need, and then
the output into another transformation for your overall output. 

I don't know whether you would want to go down that route.

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