Re: [xsl] TransformerException

Subject: Re: [xsl] TransformerException
From: Johannes Döbler <jd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 08 Aug 2001 12:38:12 +0200
Most likely your xml parser stripps all namespace information from the parsed documents.
Now when your xsl processor tries to interpret the xsl document, it does not find a correct xsl:stylesheet element and therefore runs into troubles.
One possible cause for that behaviour are the default settings in JAXPs DocumentBuilderFactory.
In the case you are using JAXP call documentBuilderFactory.setNamespaceAware(true) to activate namespace processing.


I am throwing the following:

"javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: stylesheet requires attribute:

in StyleSheetHandler...

Is there something obvious (to you on this list) that is at fault indicated
by the above error message?

I thought I would ask before I posted the 150k stylesheet that is causing
the problem!

Much obliged for any ideas...

-Jim Parsons

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