David, Mike Brown and all,
Thanks for letting us peek into your thinking on this a bit.
In principle, the xml-stylesheet PI seems to me a fairly inoffensive
beastie. If in implementation it's less than perfect, still it's a PI,
which a client can freely ignore.
I would like, however, some means of allowing the user a choice,
client-side. Leaving aside Mike's wish-list (parameter passing;
predesignating given stylesheets for given classes of users, etc. etc.),
even this would be a big step to taking XML past the point of being
just-another-rendering-format (with extra overhead, no less). I don't mind
using PIs for this (Mike says "I just don't see
why it's a good idea to embed pointers to application business logic in the
middle of an inert data document", but that's what PIs are for, ain't it?).
Having two or more PIs, for example, which the browser could then provide a
means to select between. The syntax at http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/
does describe "alternate" and "title" pseudo-attributes that could be used
to support this. Is this just something neither major browser has
implemented, or am I missing something? (I suppose it'd be simple enough to
try.) An indirection mechanism to a proper catalog-type thing would be good
too (really good); but I'm willing to get one thing at a time.
Chris writes:
There is nothing stopping you having 20 xml-stylesheets if you want all
with different media types.
But I'd like the same media type, and be able to switch between them with a
pull-down or button. Nothing that fancy (don't need parameter passing just
yet); just something browser-neutral that lets me show two or more
different views.
At 05:16 PM 6/23/2002, David wrote:
It seems to me that the xml-stylesheet pi embodies the main use case for
which XML was developed....
Wendell Piez mailto:wapiez@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mulberry Technologies, Inc. http://www.mulberrytech.com
17 West Jefferson Street Direct Phone: 301/315-9635
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