Re: [xsl] How to use caracter " in a String

Subject: Re: [xsl] How to use caracter " in a String
From: "Thomas B. Passin" <tpassin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 12:11:23 -0400
[Andrew Welch]

Tom P:
><xsl:value select='I want to say "Hello"'/>

This won't work

><xsl:value-of select="I want to say &quot;Hello&quot;"/>

Nor will this.

><xsl:value-of select " 'I want to say &quot;Hello&quot;' "/>

This will.

(I know you know really Tom, but for everyone else...)

Thanks for the expression of confidence.  Yes, I really do, but not, it
seems, today.

Tom p

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