RE: [xsl] xml-stylesheet p.i. and other options (was Re: text/xsl ...)

Subject: RE: [xsl] xml-stylesheet p.i. and other options (was Re: text/xsl ...)
From: sara.mitchell@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 13:46:37 -0400
<sigh/> Is there a petition somewhere we could 
sign up for this? Sara

[snipped from Wendell Piez June 25, 2002] 
> Like many others, I'd like to see some realization of the 
> huge potentials 
> of XML in the client. (I'm fully confident that when we do, 
> one or more 
> killer apps will quickly emerge, thereby motivating a new 
> evolutionary 
> leap. At the moment we're in a catch-22; no standard platform 
> without the 
> apps, no apps without the platform.) 

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