RE: [xsl] Let's face it: side effects are sometimes necessary!

Subject: RE: [xsl] Let's face it: side effects are sometimes necessary!
From: "Michael Kay" <michael.h.kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 09:35:22 -0000
> - OK, I'll bite... why do transactions "by definition" 
> require side effects?

Because when I order a book from Amazon, I like something to arrive in
the post the next day, and in the arcane language of functional
programming, the arrival of the book is considered to be a side-effect.

But my answer to that is, as I said recently on another thread: use XSLT
to do your XML transformations, don't use it to make the tea or wash the

Michael Kay
Software AG
home: Michael.H.Kay@xxxxxxxxxxxx
work: Michael.Kay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 

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