[xsl] Base 64 decoder

Subject: [xsl] Base 64 decoder
From: Marco Guazzone <sguazt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 2003 10:57:51 +0100 (CET)
I have in my XML doc a binary data encoded with the base64 method (this is
the only trick that I know to embed binary data inside the XML; does
anyone know a better solution?); this XML is to be transformed via an XSLT
doc which in turn has to produce tha binary data in native format,
i.e. has
to decode the base64 binary data representation.
Does anyone know if exists an implementation of a base64 decoder in
Standard XSLT 1.0?
Thank you in advance!!!

Marco Guazzone
Software Engineer
Kerbero S.r.L. - Gruppo TC
Viale Forlanini, 36
Garbagnate M.se (MI)
20024 - Italy
mail: marco.guazzone@xxxxxxxxxxx
www: http://www.kerbero.com
Tel. +39 02 99514.247
Fax. +39 02 99514.399

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