RE: [xsl] Curious result of the position() function

Subject: RE: [xsl] Curious result of the position() function
From: "Michael Kay" <mhk@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 19:38:53 +0100
> I believed that the position() function should give me the 
> position number  
> of the node in the node set. But it appears to not being the 
> case. I don't  
> understand the result of this function (I use saxon to 
> process my xsl  
> transformation). It numbers my row nodes 2 by 2.
> Can somebody explain me what I missed ?

In case you didn't get the message from previous answers, you have selected
a node sequence that contains element nodes alternating with whitespace-only
text nodes. Therefore, the element nodes are all in even-numbered positions.

Consider using xsl:strip-space to get rid of the whitespace-only text nodes.

Michael Kay

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