Re: [xsl] xsltproc complains about xsl:sort

Subject: Re: [xsl] xsltproc complains about xsl:sort
From: Ed_Owen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 14:07:49 -0700
M. David,

Thanks for the explanations and suggestions. I've unraveled what was going

(1) The xsltproc error messages were happening because xsltproc was taking
this line of the XSLT (note newlines and tabs):

      <xsl:for-each test="footest">
            <xsl:sort select="foo"/>

And seeing:

<xsl:for-each test="footext">[CR/LF][TAB]<xsl:sort select="foo"/>

The [CR/LF][TAB] is seen as a text node, and so therefore the <xsl:sort>
element is not the first child element of the <xsl:for-each>, and so
xsltproc complains.

This strikes me as a bit odd, because the root element is <xsl:stylesheet
... xmlspace="default">, so I'm not sure why it's trying to preserve the
whitespace (I thought "default" did NOT preserve whitespace). But that's
definitely what it is trying to do based on the -v log I recorded from

Removing the [CR/LF][TAB] and putting the <xsl:sort> on the same line as
the <for-each> solved the problem.

(2) The duplications I was seeing were due to some newbie select="" syntax
I was using.

I had:


when I should have been using:

      select="/element1[predicate and

My syntax was producing too many/duplicate matches for element1's.


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