RE: [xsl] JS not executed AFTER transformNode

Subject: RE: [xsl] JS not executed AFTER transformNode
From: "Daniel Joshua" <daniel.joshua@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 14:08:32 +0800
> if you don't want to set your output to be html (which is
> something I hate doing personally)

So you set your output to "xml", and do your try to produce
XHTML or just plain HTML?

I notice some people avoid setting output to "html" even when
they want to produce HTML. Why is that? Is there a reason to
avoid setting the output to "html" because of a bug(?) in XSL?


-----Original Message-----
From: bry@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:bry@xxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, 05 August, 2004 4:44 AM
To: xsl-list@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [xsl] JS not executed AFTER transformNode

depending on the browser and your output settings you might have a situation
where you are outputting <script src="myscript.js"/> which is a problem, if
don't want to set your output to be html (which is something I hate doing
personally) i would do the following in your script generation:

<script src="myscript.js"><xsl:text> </xsl:text></script>

there could be other problems of course, but this is a likely thing to stem
a transform.

Quoting Frederic Tsolakidis <ftsolakidis@xxxxxxxxx>:

> hi,
> I have an XSL file that I use to transform several XML
> pages into HMTL, in the XSL file, I'm referring to
> external javascripts, and everything works fine when I
> browse my pages.
> For reasons too long to explain here, I've been
> working on "simulating" xpointer's behavior thanks to
> XMLDOM (I'm actually using sarissa) and perform my a
> transformation in javascript.
> My JS transformation works fine, and I'm displaying
> the result with a document.write() call.. and
> everything seems ok, except for my included JS files,
> which don't get processed at all (I'm using the same
> XSL for common pages, and for pages transformed by
> JS).
> As long as my resulting page sticks to static HTML,
> everything is ok, but once I make it dynamic (with
> internal or external JS) it doesn't work...
> Any idea anyone ?

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