Re: [xsl] javascript, xsl and xml

Subject: Re: [xsl] javascript, xsl and xml
From: Phillip Nicolson <pjn3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 06 Aug 2004 12:00:24 +0100

thankyou for your reply - yes I should have been more specific (probably
due to my lack of knowledge as to how to crack my problem)

The xml I am trying to pass is well formed I believe, something along
the lines of:

 <vs:Table role="out"
   <Description>Start time of the solar event.</Description> 
   <vs:DataType arraysize="*">char</vs:DataType> 
   <Description>Peak time of the solar event.</Description> 
   <vs:DataType arraysize="*">char</vs:DataType> 
   <Description>End time of the solar event.</Description> 
   <vs:DataType arraysize="*">char</vs:DataType> 

I then have my function in the stylesheet:

<xsl:element name="img">
   <xsl:attribute name="onclick">backToRightFrameDC('<xsl:value-of

Onclicking the image to call the function I get

Error: unterminated string literal
Source Code:

with the unterminated string literal occuring at the 1st '<'...

Any further assistance much appreciated so I can have a weekend without
this troubling me! 

On Fri, 2004-08-06 at 11:52, David Carlisle wrote:
>   I have a child window and am looking to pass some of the xml within it
>   to it's parent. 
>   The problem is: any '<' '>' or '"' contained within the xml (as there
>   will be) causes the javascript function call to fail.
>   Is there anyway in a stylesheet to pass xml into a function without the
>   contents of the xml causing problems? Do I need to convert every < to
>   &lt; < to &gt; etc - if so is there a quick way to do this?
> you wern't very specifc where your problem was, if
> ypu mean that you have in the xml source unquoted < then the input is
> not well formed (ie, not XML) so will be a fatal error to any XML
> application, not just XSLT.
> You can use &lt; or equivalently put a CDATA section around teh whole
> block as in
> <foo><![CDATA[
>  1 < 2 < 3
> ]]></foo>
> To XSLT that is identical input to
> <foo>
>  1 &lt; 2 7gt; 3
> </foo>
> That's all about the input, but as you said "javascript function call to
> fail". perhaps your problem is in the output.
> If you have some input quoted as above and copy it to a script block
> in the output it will come out as
> <script>
>   1 &lt; 2 &gt; 3
> </script>
> if you are using the xml output method or
> <script>
>  1 < 2 < 3
> </script>
> if you are using the html output method which is teh default if the top
> level output element is html in no-namespace.
> Quoting < and & in script elements is teh correct thing to do in XHTML
> but if you send the file to a browser that doesn't know anything about
> xhtml (like for instance IE) then it will trip over the quoting as
> &lt; does not mean < in an html script element as & is not markup there
> so it literally means the four characters & l t ;.
> If you specify cdata-section-elements="script" in your stylesheet the
> element will probably be output as
> <script><![CDATA[
>  1 < 2 < 3
> ]]></script>
> which is equivalent as XHTML, as HTML it sould just be a syntax error as
> < is not special inside an html <script>  so <![CDATA[ should not start
>  a CDATA section, but you will probably find it works, although I think
>  best is to generate html using the html output method rather than rely
>  on spurious html browser parsing of xhtml files.
> David
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Phillip Nicolson			
Department of Physics & Astronomy		Phone:	(0)116 2523581
University of Leicester				Email:	pjn3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Leicester        LE1 7RH			Web:

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