RE: [xsl] Preserve HTML formatting when apply-templates in variabl

Subject: RE: [xsl] Preserve HTML formatting when apply-templates in variabl
From: "Passin, Tom" <tpassin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 10:24:36 -0400
> From: Karl J. Stubsjoen [mailto:karl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> David:
> Wow!  This works:
>     <xsl:copy-of select="$ui_review"/>
> Problem solved (and lesson learned).
> Question:
> Can you think of a sensible use of "disable-output-escaping"?  Wow,
> thinking
> about all the uses I've made of it and now thinking that they all
> should/could become copy-of(s).  Hmmmm... thanks for the re-alignment
> David.

This exchange highlights something important about this list - everyone
should scan threads that are not about something they have specifically
asked about.  For example, there have been innumerable threads on the
disadvantages of D-O-E and how to avoid the apparent need for it in some

Personally, though I no longer scan every thread in full, I check most
of the posts by Mike Kay, David Carlisle, Jeni Tennison, and a few
others to learn things that may stick in the back of my mind, to tickle
it at some time in the future when I come to work on something new.
Everyone should do the same.  You can get much more value from the
knowledge of these generous and expert people, and become far more
effective professionally, if you do this.

My thanks to all who regularly and effectively contribute answers to the


Tom P

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