[xsl] copy-of too powerful or wrong

Subject: [xsl] copy-of too powerful or wrong
From: SnHndrc@xxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 09 Aug 2004 20:54:28 +0000
I'd like to be able to do something like this 

<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:copy-of select="@*|node()"/>

<!--SUMMARY - this comments out the Summary chunk-->
<xsl:template match="/chunk/chunk[chunk-meta/title[(text()='Summary')]]"/>
<!--INSIGHTS commented out-->
<xsl:template match="/chunk/chunk[chunk-meta/title[(text()='Insights')]]"/> 
<!--KEYTERMS commented out-->
<xsl:template match="/chunk/chunk[@differentiation='keyterms']"/>
<!--REVIEW QUESTIONS commented out-->
<xsl:template match="/chunk/chunk[@differentiation='review-questions']"/>   
<!--INSIGHTS commented out-->
<xsl:template match="/chunk/ref-note-list[title/text()='Additional Readings']"/>    

Where the first template match copies everything and the additional template matches comment out those specific chunks. It doesn't work - as you could guess. But I do not know why - I am a beginner and copy-of is very powerful - too powerful. I am looking to rebuild the xml (transformed) using copy-of - is that the wrong thing to do?

Thanks ahead of time,

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