Re: [xsl] XSL Contextual formatting of links

Subject: Re: [xsl] XSL Contextual formatting of links
From: "Paul Hiles" <paul.hiles@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2004 12:06:34 +0100
Many thanks to Anton for his excellent advice, I've added the changes you
suggested to my sample XML file, and the XSL stylesheets and the links are
now being formatted without any text duplication.
The suggestions on improving the compatibility of the stylesheet were also
taken on board, but in this instance I don't think they're necessary ( at
least, I'm pretty sure they aren't ).

The XML file above is purely providing the page content, and the
"content.xsl" stylesheet formats that particular piece of code. The final
page is actually an ASP page that pulls in various formatted 'blocks' of
page material. There are nine XSL stylesheets used in making this 'final'
page. Eight XSL stylesheets format specific sections of the page, such as
footer, menu, etc. They all share a common "shared.xsl" stylesheet. The
final ASP page does contain a transitional XHTML doctype and character
encoding, etc. - which I hope removes the need for declarations in each of
the stylesheets.

One quick question on the syntax in this line.
<xsl:apply-templates select="link | text()"/>
Does this mean it will apply the necessary formatting to either text or
links, OR both? :o)

Once again, I really appreciate the help I've received here,

Paul Hiles
Erimus Media Design
Email: paul.hiles@xxxxxxxxxx

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