[xsl] Problems generating w-circumflex character for HTML output

Subject: [xsl] Problems generating w-circumflex character for HTML output
From: "Gordon Ross" <G.Ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 10:45:07 +0100

I'm using three XSLT files to generate an HTML output.

The first, is a base file - this generates the actual HTML. This has the
output encoding of <xsl:output method="html"/>

The second, just contains a series of <xsl:variable> elements to define  text
strings (I have multiple versions of this second file for different languages)
This has the output encoding of <xsl:output method="xml"/>

The third just imports the first two (again, there is one per language), it
has the <xsl:output method="html"/> tag.

All three files have their encoding set to UTF-8

Some of my xsl:variable values have unicode characters in. Mostly, they work
fine if I just use the &#x....; format to specify the unicode character. (e.g.
&#x00E2; gives me a lower-case a with a circumflex on it)

However, I'm having great dificulty trying to generate a lower-case w with a

The unicode character for this is 0175(hex) If I put that in my stylesheet, I
get a captial a with a circle above it followed by a greek u in the final HTML

In HTML the w-circumflex character is defined as &wcirc; - and if I put that
in an HTML document it displays fine.

I'm using Xalan 2.6.0 as my XSLT engine.

What silly mistake am I making ? What can I do to generate a w-circumflex ?



Gordon Ross,
Network Manager/Rheolwr Rhydwaith
Countryside Council for Wales/Cyngor Cefn Gwlad Cymru

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