Re: [xsl] Problems generating w-circumflex character for HTML output

Subject: Re: [xsl] Problems generating w-circumflex character for HTML output
From: "Gordon Ross" <G.Ross@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 12:11:02 +0100
>> However, I'm having great dificulty trying to generate a lower-case w
>with a circumflex.
>> The unicode character for this is 0175(hex) If I put that in my
>stylesheet, I get a captial a with a circle above it followed by a greek u in
>the final HTML output.
>> In HTML the w-circumflex character is defined as &wcirc; - and if I put
>that in an HTML document it displays fine.
>If you see this, you're generating UTF8. The browser should display this
>correctly if the correct encoding is declared in
>a) the content-type HTTP header and
>b) in the HTML meta tag.
>If you're using the "html" output method of XSLT, this should happen

Things work fine for other characters (a^, o^, etc) just not w^. What is so
special about this character ?


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