[no subject]

"The ampersand character (&) and the left angle bracket (<) MUST NOT
appear in their literal form, except when used as markup delimiters, or
within a comment, a processing instruction, or a CDATA section. If they
are needed elsewhere, they MUST be escaped using either numeric
character references or the strings "&amp;" and "&lt;" respectively. The
right angle bracket (>) MAY be represented using the string "&gt;", and
MUST, for compatibility, be escaped using either "&gt;" or a character
reference when it appears in the string "]]>" in content, when that
string is not marking the end of a CDATA section."

And this -

[14] CharData ::= [^<&]* - ([^<&]* ']]>' [^<&]*)

In tests, I usually reverse the sense of a comparison so I can use an
unescaped ">", for better readability.  For example,

<xsl:if test='@parm > 2'>...

instead of this -

<xsl:if test='2 &lt; @parm'>...

Try it, you'll like it!


Tom P

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