[xsl] namespaces and temporary trees (was Re: [xsl] grouping + global variable (?))

Subject: [xsl] namespaces and temporary trees (was Re: [xsl] grouping + global variable (?))
From: Bruce D'Arcus <bdarcus@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2004 23:37:56 -0400
On Aug 13, 2004, at 6:46 PM, Wendell Piez wrote:

The reason your div is coming out in the mods namespace is that that is the namespace assigned by the stylesheet to the null namespace, which is the namespace the div is in. If you want it in another namespace, or none, change or remove that null namespace declaration at the top of the stylesheet. (And/or make the namespace explicit in the literal result element.)

If this isn't sufficient, someone who knows XSLT 2.0 better will have to give you advice on the nice features the draft gives for namespace fixup, to have your namespaces not only behave well, but look good too.

Yeah, it's not sufficient. I spent another couple of hours pulling my hair out thinking something was wrong with how I was using modes. The problem was the damned namespaces, and the only solution I came up with (which is not much of a solution) that would apply the mods templates to the temporary tree was to leave the default namespace as mods, which means the default namespace for the output "xhtml" is also mods.

Suggestions would certainly be appreciated. I tried including the namespace declaration on the modsCollection element output in the phase-1 pass, but that didn't work.


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