AW: [xsl] simple conditional looping

Subject: AW: [xsl] simple conditional looping
From: <christof.hoeke@xxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 11:05:59 +0200
> Von: Keyur K [mailto:kkeyur@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Betreff: [xsl] simple conditional looping
> I want to write a simple loop statement like for($i=1; $i <=
> 50; $i++) in my
> stylesheet to generate 50 tr (table rows).
> I am not sure how I can do this. I tried using
> <xsl:for-each/> but it just
> loops through the nodes. I cannot specifiy any conditional
> test like in
> <xsl:if /> .
> How can I achieve this? Pl. advice.
> Keyur

you might want to try a recursive template, something like:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
example call
	<xsl:template match="/">
		<xsl:call-template name="for-loop">
			<xsl:with-param name="i">5</xsl:with-param>
			<xsl:with-param name="stopat">20</xsl:with-param>
forloop([i, ]stopvalue)
	<xsl:template name="for-loop">
		<xsl:param name="stopat" select="50"/>
		<xsl:param name="i" select="1"/>
		<xsl:if test="$i &lt;= $stopat">
			<!-- insert output here -->
			<xsl:value-of select="concat($i, ', ')"/>
			<!-- / -->
			<xsl:call-template name="for-loop">
				<xsl:with-param name="stopat" select="$stopat"/>
				<xsl:with-param name="i" select="$i + 1"/>

both params are optional. just insert the output you want at the specified


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