Subject: [xsl] href problem From: Narasingarao Kommireddi <Narasingarao.Kommireddi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 15:58:53 +0530 |
Hi All, I need to generate barcodes in PDF and hence use XSL Templates found at In order to access those XSL templates in my XSL , i write like this <xsl:import href="upc-ean.xsl"/> <xsl:import href="upc-ean-svg.xsl"/> Similary , i have GIFs and BMPs that i need to show in my PDF, so i give the path of them as follows. <fo:table-cell display-align="before" text-align="center" padding-start="3pt" padding-end="3pt" padding-before="3pt" padding-after="3pt" border-style="solid" border-width="1pt" border-color="white"> <fo:block> <fo:inline color="blue" font-size="7pt">  </fo:inline> <fo:external-graphic space-before.optimum="4pt" space-after.optimum="4pt"> <xsl:attribute name="src">url('<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">file:///D:\work_sw\cocoon-2.1.5 \build\webapp\CAF\style\xsl\logo.bmp</xsl:text>')</xsl:attribute> </fo:external-graphic> </fo:block> </fo:table-cell> (I use cocoon for PDF generation) They work fine on my localbox which is an Windows 2000 But when run on Solaris box, they dont show up. I know for sure that BMPs and GIFs would work if i change the path on Unix. But not sure how to get the href's working. Secondly , how can i set the context path for my application so that i need not hardcode the Absolute path everytime , probably someone working on cocoon could help me out. Regards, Rao
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