Re: [xsl] Adding Variables

Subject: Re: [xsl] Adding Variables
From: Deirdre Saoirse Moen <deirdre@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2004 13:59:22 -0700
On Aug 16, 2004, at 6:20 AM, Michael Kay wrote:

What I've never quite understood is how to wrap this into a

[big snip]

The problem with this code is that you get a copy of the nodes in

Ouch. Not what I wanted.

If you want the variable to hold references to the actual nodes,
a conditional assignment is difficult to achieve in XSLT 1.0. It becomes
easy in 2.0:

<xsl:variable name="n" select="if (COND) then //a/b/c else 20"/>

OK, that works for the single if/else case. I need to ponder whether or not I need a more complex case.

In 1.0 you can sometimes solve the problem with

<xsl:variable name="n" select="//a/b/c[COND] | //a/b/d[not(COND)]"/>

That *may* work for my application. I'm not to the point where I'm implementing, but it's entirely possible that I could make it work.

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