Re: [xsl] Simple list -> Nested list based on attribute values

Subject: Re: [xsl] Simple list -> Nested list based on attribute values
From: Josh Canfield <joshcanfield@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 10:07:22 -0700
this faq page should help.


On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 18:48:42 +0200, jhaines@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
<jhaines@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have an XML document of the form
> <doc>
>  <item header='true'>Section 1</item>
>  <item>Section 1.1</item>
>  <item>Section 1.2</item>
>  <item header='true'>Section 2</item>
>  <item>Section 2.1</item>
>  <item>Section 2.2</item>
> </doc>
> that I want to transform to the following:
> <doc>
>  <section title="Section 1">
>    <item>Section 1.1</item>
>    <item>Section 1.2</item>
>  </section>
>  <section title="Section 2">
>    <item>Section 2.1</item>
>    <item>Section 2.2</item>
>  </section>
> </doc>
> I was able to match the @header <item>s with the rule 'item[@header =
> "true"]' but couldn't work out a predicate to match "all subsequent
> <item>s up until the next @header <item>".
> Jason
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