Re: [xsl] ordering problem generating xslt from xsd

Subject: Re: [xsl] ordering problem generating xslt from xsd
From: David Carlisle <davidc@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 11:13:29 +0100
> I need an extra pair of eyes here

without the input it thise extra eyes are rather blindfolded but I will
note that

<oiodoc:documentation id="{ancestor::xsd:element/@name}">

will give you the name of the outermost  xsd:element you might want
the innermost one (that has a name)

Hwver the only difference I see between the output that you say you got
and the output you say you want is the order of the four elements,
you top level template does appear to be applying templates to 
xsd:documentation grandchildren first but that wasn't the whole schema
so perhaps some other template has higer priority, that you haven't
shown, or the input had documentation elements elsewhere or...


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