Re: [xsl] Naming styles

Subject: Re: [xsl] Naming styles
From: xptm@xxxxxxx
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 15:41:33 +0100
Speaking of "best practices", isn'r this a *bad* practice?

I have several imports, like this

  <!-- Global Vars -->
  <xsl:include href="xglobalvars.xsl" />
  <!-- Page Body -->
  <xsl:template match="/">
    <XPage class="Tester" name="Tester">
      <xsl:call-template name="StandardComponents"/>
      <xsl:call-template name="StandardEvents"/>

  <!-- All Templates -->
  <xsl:include href="StandardComponents.xsl" />
  <xsl:include href="StandardEvents.xsl" />

and then, in StandardComponents and StandardEvents i'm using variables
in xglobalvars.

That means that if i use Standard* on their one, or in another context, i
have troubles for not having the vars...

But is the alternative to import the xglobalvars in all the Standard* xlsl's?
Isn't that a bad practice also?

What other alternatives are there?


Quoting xptm@xxxxxxx:

> Are there any naming conventions in XSL/XSLT?
> In Java we have thos conventions, like class names begin with a capital
> letter,
> methods and properties with lower letters, etc...
> Is there any "best practices " for XSL, for naming vars, global vars,
> functions,
> etc.?
> Thanks.
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