RE: [xsl] Can you help me out ?

Subject: RE: [xsl] Can you help me out ?
From: "Vasu Chakkera" <vasucv@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 16:55:11 +0000
Hi JOhn,
As I had replied to your earlier mail, The problem is not with the IDE, its with the XSLT processor your IDE is using.
Please find out the XSLT Processor Cold fusion is using and configure your Xselerator to use the processor cold fusion is using, and run it. It will then tell you exactly why the problem is coming.
Your For each is OK and there should be no problems with that line. Unless you have messed up other parts of your code.:-)
So yeah, try..
1. Reading the error message that XSLT processor used by cold fusion throws.
Paste it here if you want any one of us to have a look. You have said It "bombs"...It will be more helpful if you can please be clear as to what the error message is.
2. To make sure that its wasnt Xselerator, you can run the same code with your cold fusion XSLT processor. If you dont know how to do, let us know.

As a good practise, allways configure your Xselerator with the same XSLT processor that your production env is using.So you are sure , the output behaves the same in development as in production.

HTH Vasu

Hi Wendell,

I encountered a strange problem. I use Xselerator to merge my xml and xsl, and it generated HTML successfully, but when I use coldfusion to merge the report, it generated a java.lang.null Exception Error.

After looking deeply into the problem, I found out this line is what caused it bomb:

<xsl:key name="keyAccount" match="Results/XML_Report/Subject/Trades/Record" use="Account_Type" />

<xsl:for-each select="//Record[generate-id(.) = generate-id(key('keyAccount', Account_Type)[1])]"> --> This line caused it to bomb

Anybody knows why xselerator can run it without any problem, but generates an error in Coldfusion? I think the problem is with the match="...." area, but I have keep changing the value, it still wont work. It's either generating the error or display the html output without the <xsl:for-each> part.

This is the structure of my xml data:

Are there any alternative to do the grouping ?

Any idea will be appreciated, Thanks


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