Re: [xsl] Encoding base64 with XSLT

Subject: Re: [xsl] Encoding base64 with XSLT
From: Mukul Gandhi <mukul_gandhi@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2004 22:29:24 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Michael,
  I have implemented base64 encoding in XSLT, and have
posted the answer on my web site , (because the solution is
a bit long).
  If you are interested, you may use the XSL..


--- Michael Wiedmann <michael.wiedmann@xxxxxxxxx>

> An XML based addressbook has to be converted to LDIF
> (LDAP Data
> Interchange Format, RFC 2849) using an
> XSLT-stylesheet. LDIF does not 
> allow non-ASCII characters, they have to be
> base64-encoded.
> E.g. given an element
> <lastname>M|ller</lastname>
> has to be written like
> sn:: TfxsbGVy
> instead of simply:
> sn: M|ller
> Is there any way to encode base64 with XSLT
> Michael

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