[xsl] FO: Forcing a page break/new page

Subject: [xsl] FO: Forcing a page break/new page
From: Ralph Holz <ralph.holz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 12:00:38 +0200

Is there a way to force a page break within an fo:flow/fo:block?

If you're wondering why I need to do that, here's the explanation (bit of a reading...):

I've got a situation that looks like this: so far, we had a set of XSLT stylesheets, each one creating an FO document that was rendered into one PDF document. A common layout was defined in an external stylesheet (inc_grid.xsl) that was included by each of the stylesheets. inc_grid contains the template that matches the root element, sets up the page master, defines one page sequence with one flow, one block and then calls the template "body" in each of the including stylesheets. These contain the instructions to fill the block and since one stylesheet creates one document, all is fine.

NB: inc_grid cannot be changed by our group - it's provided by our client.

So now we need to integrate all of these stylesheets into one. To this end, I've changed them into templates which are called by a new controlling stylesheet. This controller includes inc_grid.xsl:

<xsl:include href="inc_grid.xsl" />
<xsl:template name="body">
  <xsl:call-template name="docA" />
  <xsl:call-template name="docB" />
  <xsl:call-template name="docC" />

Works fine so far - but each new "integrated document" should begin on a page of its own. Since the containing flow is defined in inc_grid, which we cannot change, it doesn't yet, and I'm wondering if I can force a page break.

Thanks for any ideas,

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